ABC-DIHK project -
a new meeting of national coordinators (26-29 September)
Since 2000 , the
Association of Balkan Chambers (ABC) and the Association of German
Chambers of Commerce (DIHK) are developing a partnership project. The
main goal is the development of interregional cooperation and
development of the economic relations between the ABC and EU
countries, and especially Germany.
The national
coordinators of this project, representing the CCIs from Bulgaria,
Bosnia & Hertegovina, FYR of Mcedonia, Serbia & Montenegro, Greece
and Romania had a meeting in Brasov, Romania. The participants
evaluated with this occasion the activities and results obtaind in
the first half of the year and made proposals for the next
year in accordance with the specific needs of the chambers and their
program for marketing & IT experts in Berlin (11 - 14 Oct. 2005)
A new training for
IT&Marketing experts of the CCI from Balkans took place in Berlin,
between 11 - 14 Oct. 2005. The event was hosted by the Association
of German Chambers of Commerce (DIHK).
The main topics of
the training:
- What has to be
fulfilled in the background in order to get a reliable economic
forecast - economic survey questionnaire
- How to get an
opinion picture on the actual political questions from the
enterprises - enterprise barometer
- DIHK online
services: Online Academy, German foreign economic portal, etc.
In the last day of
the meeting the ABC IT & Marketing Working Group discussed the
actions for the next period aimed at increasing the visibility of portal and improving its content.
Further trade liberalisation for Romanian agricultural products is
expected following the July endorsement by EU ministers of
modifications to the EU-Romania Europe Agreement. The Council backed
improvement of trade arrangements for processed agricultural
products, to improve economic convergence in preparation for
Romania's accession to the EU. The concessions under the new regime
include complete liberalisation of trade for some processed
agricultural products, and reduction of duties or tariff quotas.
Established as a Council with BCCI in September 1990,
today BULPRO acts as main coordinating body between the national
decision-making bodies, private sector organizations and their
members and international organizations, related to trade and
transport facilitation, such as SECI in terms of exchange of ideas,
initiatives and projects.
In the period 2001 – 2004 BULPRO with BCCI took an active part in
the first part of the World Bank Project “Trade and Transport
Facilitation in South East Europe” (TTFSE I). The TTFSE Project
fosters trade by promoting more efficient and less costly trade
flows across the countries in Southeast Europe. The program seeks to
reduce non-tariff costs to trade and transport, reduce smuggling and
corruption at border crossings, strengthen and modernize the customs
administrations and other border control agencies.
At this moment BULPRO and BCCI are preparing to participate in the
second part of TTFSE Project. The results of an inquiry to BCCI
members helped BULPRO to formulate the following training sessions
Public Private Partnership
Customs Issues, Harmonized System
WTO Negotiations on Facilitation
Supply Chain Management. Application of EAN/UCC standards.
Bulgarian Foreign Trade and Customs Regimes
Trading with EU Countries. Requirements, Legal Framework.
Maritime Transport and Port Transport
Air Transport and Airport Operations
Competition Law and Policy and Consumer Protection
Contemporary Bank Methods in Trade Facilitation
Certificates for Digital Signatures – the Role of Chambers
The advantages of ATA Carnet for temporary import of goods
Presentation of trade bilateral agreements between Bulgaria and
another countries: Bulgaria – EU, Bulgaria – EFTA, Bulgaria
neighboring countries, etc.
Tax Legislation
Export Insurance
UN/CEFACT Recommendations on trade facilitation and their
implementation in SECI countries
For more information:
BULPRO, Tel.: +359 2
74 79, fax: +359 2 987 32 09, e-mail:
The signed FTEs in SEE are in
implementation. The most important problems at the moment are
related additional agreements on sanitar and firosanirar control and
on standardisation, which still have not been signed between Serbia
and the other countries of the region. Also, the problem of
retantion of the trucks on border sides is also present.
Between Serbia and Macedonia trade is
free now, without any limitation.
In cooperation with Bulgaria there
are still obstracles on the borders with retention of the trucks on
both sides.
With BIH the problem in implementation of FTA is
mainly related to agriculture and food processing sector. In the
sector BIH side makes unilateral decisions which suspend zero tariff
rate for particular products from SCG. The result is depreciation
of the effects in the implementation of FTA.
FTA with
is successfully implemented without problems.
It is notifying that the volume of trade has risen
in the region since FTAs are in implementation.
In the seccond part of November
Biznis Forum IV, i.e. Interenational conference on trade
liberalisation and facilitation in SEE will be held. Beside
traditional themes (related to implementation of the agreements) the
new multilateral free trade agreement will be annaounced. The
agreement will replace existing matrix of bilateral free trade
Source: Serbian CCI
Meeting of the EU Club with the BCCI with the British Ambassador on
the occasion of the assuming of the EU presidency by the UK
On 7th July 2005, EIC-Sofia with the BCCI
organised a meeting of the EU Club
with H.Exc. Mr. Jeremy Hill on the occasion of the
assuming the presidency of the European Union on 1st July
2005 for six months by the United Kingdom. It is the sixth British
presidency of the EU and it marks the most crucial stage of the
process of EU enlargement. Mr. Hill declared that the UK will
strongly support Bulgaria in its efforts to become a full member
state in 2007. He outlined in brief the main priorities of the
Programme of the British presidency – increase of the global role of
the EU in international relations, wider opening of the Union to
Africa, Russia and Ukraine, closer and constructive collaboration
with the USA, fighting terrorism, approval and enforcement of the
Directive of Services, because two third of the GDP of the EU comes
from service sector, enhancing the discussions on REACH, reform of
the CAP and reforming and strengthening of the EU.
Head of the Delegation of the EC to Bulgaria, H.Exc. Mr. Dimitris
Kourkoulas, outlined the prospects of Bulgaria to join the EU in
2007 and focused on the efforts the country should make so that to
meet the EU requirements and conform with the recommendations of the
Commission. He paid special attention to the framework of the
financial support the EU is providing to Bulgaria for the successful
accession of the country in 2007.
discussions focused on the opportunities and challenges for the
Bulgarian SMEs of the accession and on the impact on the local
business in case there is a delay of the full membership.
Participants in the meeting were representatives of the business and
of the sectoral organizations, of business support NGOs and
networks, diplomats of the EU member states and candidate countries,
politicians and journalists – EU Club members.
EU Regional and Cohesion Policy: the Balkans
BCCI with the financial support of the Liaison Office of the DIHK/ABC
Partnership Project prepared and published the guide
“EU Regional and Cohesion Policy: the Balkans”.
The guide “EU Regional policy on the Balkans” is
trying to contribute to the awareness raising of the Balkan SMEs of
the EU Regional policy, of the Structural Funds and of the Cohesion
Fund as main instruments for the reduction of disparities in the
development of the regions.
Very soon the Balkans will become an integral part of
the United Europe. They will contribute to its multicultural
diversity and integrity. The cohesion of the region to European
Union is of paramount importance for the sustainable development of
the EU as a whole – and hence for the successful implementation of
the Lisbon Strategy and its main objectives – to make the European
economy the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in
the world by 2010. This strategic goal of economic, social and
environmental renewal, delivering sustainable economic growth with
more and better jobs, greater social cohesion and reduced
environmental pressures is essential to the future of Europe.
The gradual and successful
integration of the Balkans into the European Union can only be
achieved through the sustainable economic development and welfare of
all the countries in the region. The Chambers of Commerce in the
Balkan countries play an important role in this process. The overall
objective of the Partnership Project DIHK/ABC is to support the
member chambers of the Association of the Balkan Chambers /ABC/ in
their efforts to provide assistance to SMEs for their integration in
the EU internal market and to contribute to the creation of a
coherent economic space in South-East Europe.
Creating a Regional
Coalition of Women Business Associations

After successfully
implementing a project dedicated to the creation and sustainability
of the Coalition of Women Business Associations in Romania, Center
for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), with funding from
National Endowment for Democracy (NED), is expanding the project
from national to regional level.
The vision of the project
is to create a Balkan region in which women’s roles and
contributions to the economy and politics are recognized, where
women are treated as equal partners who work to solve policy
barriers and create stability in the business and social
The goals of this new
project are: to create a network of women’s business groups in the
region that can actively promote a legislative agenda aiming to
improve both the status of women entrepreneurs and the overall
business environment; to empower women business leaders to make
their voice heard and assert their positions in a democratic manner.
The targeted countries
are: Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina,
Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Turkey and Hungary (as EU mentor
Romania's GDP advances 4.9 percent in S1
Romania's GDP estimated for the first semester of 2005 was 110.236
billion lei, up 4.9 percent in real terms as against S1 of 2004, the
National Statistics Institute informs. The growth was mainly
determined by the increase in volume of activity, and consequently
in gross added value of services (6.9 percent), constructions (3.9
percent) and industry (3.6 percent). Final consumption increased
11.2 percent in S1 of 2005 compared to the similar period of 2004,
while the gross fixed capital formation advanced 7.6 percent.
The data show that in S1 the gross index of industrial production
moved up 1.3 percent, while the gross index of the processing
industry reached 102.2 percent. The gross index of industrial
production in July 2005 dropped 7.7 percent compared to July 2004.
Labor productivity in industry increased 3.3 percent over the
analyzed period.
(1 euro = 3.5 lei)
Romanian National News Agency

A Trade center of Taiwan /ROC/ was opened in Sofia at the beginning
of September 2005. It will collaborate
with the Bulgarian
Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other commercial organizations
for the
development of the economic relations between
Taiwan and Bulgaria. Since this is the only Trade center of
/ROC/ on the Balkans at the moment, it will work closely
with all ABC countries.
The first event, organized by the new trade center is a forthcoming
trade delegation from Taiwan and respective business meetings
with Bulgarian companies. The event will take place on September 26
- 27, 2005 in Plovdiv and Sofia. The Delegation will visit also
Romania, Hungary and Slovakia during the period September 24 –
October 9.
For contacts:
Taiwan Trade Center - Sofia
Business park Sofia,
2, 5th
+359-2-97697 36
Source: Bulgarian CCI
New aviation agreements with Western Balkans
The European Commission has
approved aviation agreements with Serbia and Montenegro, Albania,
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Bosnia and
Herzegovina. Once approved by EU ministers, the agreements will
bring existing bilateral air services agreements into line with EU
law, by removing any discriminatory clauses – such as preventing,
say, a French airline flying to a non-EU country from Germany. The
decision is intended to strengthen aviation relations with the
Western Balkans. For Croatia, the Commission had already approved
similar agreement, which the Council is currently discussing. At the
same time, the Commission is negotiating an agreement with the
Western Balkan countries on a European Common Aviation Area: this
would integrate these countries into Europe's single aviation market
on the basis of standard norms and standards.
The initiative of the Global Compact in B&H
Sarajevo, September 19, 2005 – UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina and
Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina promoted the
initiative of the Global Compact in B&H. Global Compact tries to
improve social responsibility of companies in order to make the
business sector to give its answer to the challenges of
globalization. In this manner, private sector, in partnership with
civil society and UN, may help in creating sustainable and open
global economy.
Global Compact has two goals in B&H: to connect Global Compact and
its ten goals related to human rights, working standards,
sustainability of nature protection and anticorruption, and the
other, to initiate partnership of the key players for realizing the
Millennium developing plans and faster development of Bosnia and
Since its creation, 5 years ago, Global Compact has gathered more
than 2.000 companies from 80 countries.
The following BH companies joined the Agreement: Energoinvest, UPI
Bank, «Borac», Travnik, Mittal Steel, Baja Company, Elvaco AD,
Vegafruit, Širbegović, DHL, Tehnogas, Intersistem, Bobar Group,
Vispak, Zenička industrija mlijeka, Tropic, Pristor, Altro, Nova
Banka, Pivara Tuzla, Vitinka.
Veterinary Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina supports the BH fish
Veterinary Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina got the positive
evaluation from the inspection team of FVO Dublin (Institute for
Food and Veterinary of EU).
It will enable the State Institute to issue to local companies
certificates that will be recognized in 25 EU countries. It also
means that this product is adjusted to the most severe demands
defined by EU.
Law on Veterinary in B6H is mostly adjusted to the EU directives.
Tactually, there are 35 fishery ponds and two fish processing
capacities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Trout production amounts to
5.000 tons annually. At the beginning of the next year, FAO will
support 400.000 US$ project intended for fishery development.
The National Export Strategy will help the Romanian economy become
more competitive
6th September 2005 - The National Export Strategy of
Romania was launched for public debates within an event hosted by
the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania
The strategy represents a premiere for the last 15 years, being at
the same time the result of an excellent cooperation between the
Government structures and the business environment. The Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Romania, as a founder member of Export
Council, took part in several working groups for developing the
export strategy of Romania with technical support of ITC Geneva.
For more detail visit:
Romania internationally stands out due to furniture industry
Furniture industry is among the few sectors which allowed Romania to
stand out internationally, reads an article carried by "Piata
Financiara" magazine.
Romanian furniture has gradually won recognition of western markets.
The Russian market and the markets of the Commonwealth of
Independent States recognize the reputation of the furniture made in
Romania, irrespective whether it is directly imported or imported
through western companies.
At European level, Romania with the 2,990 furniture plants which
employ 110,000 people, is recognized as a medium-size furniture
manufacturer. Tradition, quality and the rich range of products have
maintained the trust of foreign consumers. Most domestic products
are ecological and in terms of quality they can compare with those
made in western countries. Last year, the domestic market was
covered by the national production in a ratio of 71 percent.
According to an international ranking from 2002, which encompasses
information from 66 states, Romania ranks the 22nd judging upon the
value of exports, the 35th upon the production's value and the 40th
when it comes to imports.
The managing director of the Romanian Association of Furniture
Manufacturers (APMR) Aurel Rizea says that the Romanian products
preferred on the foreign markets are hard wood furniture, style-art
furniture, modern furniture with rectangular shapes, with special
finishing, irrespective whether they are designed for bedrooms,
living-rooms, small furniture or upholstered chairs.
Over 1999-2004, exports and the foreign commercial balance doubled
and the industrial production and domestic market trebled. Last
year, Romania manufactured furniture worth 1,530 million dollars, of
which a part worth 1,032 million dollars went to export. In the same
period, exports grew by 2.4 times and imports by 3.6 times.
After the first six months of this year furniture production and
exports have continued an upward trend and grew by 11 percent and
14.65 percent respectively as against the same period a year ago.
Romanian National News Agency

– The International Tourism Fair of Romania
The 14th edition of the International Tourism Fair of Romania will
be held between 20 - 23 October 2005, in the Romexpo Exhibitions
A reference event on the tourist market, combining the internal and
international offer of tourist services, the precedent edition of
the International Tourism Fair of Romania has reunited 286
participants from 20 countries on an area of 9.100 sqm.
The survey have confirmed the high degree of efficiency of the fair:
83% of the exhibitors have obtained new information about the
market, 83% were satisfied by the number of new business contacts,
81% by the number of visitors to the stand and discussions
efficiency, and 91% intended to participate to the following edition
as well.
International Investment Forum,
under the motto: “The Future of Foreign Direct Investments:
Regional vs. National Perspective”, 5TH edition

Bucharest, ROMANIA 27-29 October 2005
annual edition of the Forum is organized by the Chamber of Commerce
and Industry of Romania with the support: Romanian Agency for
Foreign Investments, Integrated Service of Consultancy for Economy
in Romania (IBD) / German Organization for Technical Cooperation (GTZ),
Romanian Council of Foreign Investors, American Chamber of Commerce
in Romania (AmCham), bilateral chambers of commerce.
The International Investment Forum will include plenary sessions,
working roundtables on varied topics, business contacts meetings.
The Forum’s main objectives are:
Promotion of foreign investments in Romania
Comparative presentation of existing conditions in the Central and
South-East European countries as locations for national and
regional investments
Promotion of Romanian investments projects
Support for investments partnerships and businesses development
Presentation of development opportunities offered by the real
estate market in Romania
Venue of the International Investment Forum:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania , International
Convention Centre, 2nd, Octavian Goga Bd., Sector 3, Code 030982 –
Bucharest, Romania
event’s coordinator is Mrs. Mihaela GOJ – Director, Information and
Business Development Division. The contact person is Mr. Mihai
IVASCU – Economist, Information and Business Development Division,
tel: 319.01.51; fax: 319.01.59; e-mail:
Details and on-line registration:
Balkan Food & Drinks / Balkan PAC,
the premium b2b events in Bulgaria, gathering the regional food
and packaging industry. 26
- 29 October 2005
Festivalna Hall, Sofia, Bulgaria
Scheduled to take place in Festivalna Hall from 26 till 29 October
2005, both trade shows will provide a valuable insight for specific
company needs.
Over 80%
of the Balkan Food & Drinks / Balkan PAC visitors come to meet
clients. 60% are upper management bodies (Owner, General manager,
Director); the remaining part is comprised of 30% key professionals
(Marketing, Purchasing, R&D) and 10% designers and specialists
occupied in other departments.
International General Fair Celje , 7- 14 September 2005
Serbian companies participated at the International General Fair
Celje. On that occasion, the meeting of the representatives of the
regional chambers, Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Slovenian
Chamber of Commerce was held. The topic of the meeting was:
«Improvement of regional cooperation and connecting within the
region». A special presentation was given on free zones in Serbia.
Autumn Fair in Zagreb 13 - 18 September 2005
About ten companies from Serbia participated at Autumn Fair in Zagreb
in the organization of Serbian Chamber of Commerce.
Agreement signed between Serbia and Montenegro and Romania, 19
September 2005
Agreement on capital overhaul, modernization and increased installed
power of the Hydro-Power Plant Djerdap between Serbia and Montenegro
and Romania signed in Bucharest.
Cooperation meeting between Albania and Serbia, 27 September 2005
The first meeting of the Section for Albania within the SCC will
take place in Belgrade. The meeting will be attended by the
businesspeople interested in cooperation with Albania,
representatives of the Embassy of Albania in Belgrade, Serbian
Chamber of Commerce and the Regional Chambers.
12th General Fair in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4 – 9 October
Serbia will be a partner country at the 12th General Fair in Zenica,
Bosnia and Herzegovina. On that occasion, a meeting of the
businesspeople from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina will be held.
The topic of the meeting will be: "Economic Cooperation, Current
State and Prospects".
Twelfth meeting of the Joint Committee of Serbia and Romania , 11 -
12 October 2005
Twelfth meeting of the Joint Committee of Serbia and Romania will
take place in that period in Belgrade, with participation of
representatives of the governments, Chambers of Commerce and
Twelfth meeting of
the Joint Committee of Serbia and Romania , 11 - 12 October 2005
Twelfth meeting of the Joint Committee of Serbia and Romania will
take place in that period in Belgrade, with participation of
representatives of the governments, Chambers of Commerce and
Romania - Ten energy companies interested in Electrica Muntenia Sud
Bucharest, Sept 16 /Rompres/ - As many as 10 companies acting in
energy have submitted letters of interest in taking part in the
privatization of Romanian grid Electrica Muntenia Sud, the ministry
of economy and trade announced on Thursday.
They are AES Corporation from the United States, CEZ from the Czech
Republic, EnBW Energie AG from Germany, ENEL SpA from Italy, E.ON
Energie AG from Germany, EVN AG from Austria, Gaz de France from
France, Iberdrola from Spain, RWE Energy AG from Germany and Union
Fenosa International from Spain. Electrica Muntenia Sud distributes
and supplies electricity to some 1.075 million customers in
Bucharest and the nearby counties of Ilfov and Giurgiu. The company
has a share capital of 191.309 million new lei and a turnover of
1.118 billion new lei.
The privatization entails the sale of a 67.5 percent stake to an
individual investor or a consortium by purchasing 50 percent of the
shares and increasing the capital up to 67.5 percent.
The future majority shareholder will be free to offer the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) the possibility to acquire up to 5 percent of
the increased share capital of Electrica Muntenia Sud.
The results of the pre-qualification stage will be announced on
October 3.
Romanian National News Agency
National call for tenders in Serbia
More details at www.priv.yu
(Duration 30 days)
6.10. 2005 Public auction for sale of socialy owned enterprises:
Potisje, Ada ( production of tool machines)
«Meat Industry Bek», Zrenjanin
20. 09. 2005. Public invitation for participation in the public
tender for sale 70% of the company AD DANUBIS, Novi sad (production
of miling products).
20. 09. 2005 Public invitation (correction) for participation in the
public tender for sale the company «29. Novembar» AD, Subotica.
15. 09. 2005 Public invitation for participation in the public
tender for sale of 76,9% of the company for manufacturing rubber and
chemical products « Trajal Korporacija», Krusevac.
13.09.2005 Public invitation for participation in the public tender
for sale of socially owned capital of the company IPM «Zmaj»
(producer of agricultural accessaries).
EU to help upgrade Belgrade's infrastructure
The European Union has announced new funding of €3 million to
improve the provision of municipal services in Belgrade. The money
will be used to help the local authorities manage key infrastructure
projects to ensure efficient and professional use of all investment.
Expertise will be provided by EU-funded local and international
experts, and the project should help attract further internationally
infrastructure investments in the city.
UK and Turkish industry back accession negotiations
The Confederation of British Industry and TUSIAD, representing the
Turkish business community, issued a joint public welcome at the end
of July for the European Union's decision to commence accession
negotiations with Turkey. "We believe this is an important milestone
in a journey that should focus minds on the economic dynamics of the
EU and Turkey", said Sir Digby Jones, CBI director-general, and
Haluk Tukel, director-general of TUSIAD. "It reflects the progress
Turkey has made to embrace and deliver reform. Both our
organisations see significant benefits of securing Turkey's place
within the European single market." They said that Europe "must face
up to the challenges of becoming more competitive, of embracing the
Lisbon agenda and of effecting economic reform." "Political
questions [that] may arise in the negotiations" are "ultimately for
member states and the Commission, working with the Turkish
government, to address at the appropriate moment", but "In the
meantime, our business communities look forward to contributing
towards broader and deeper economic reform, and to securing momentum
towards Turkey's accession to the EU."
Bosnia and Herzegovina signs up for 2005 EU assistance
In late July, Bosnia and Herzegovina prime minister Adnan Terzic and
the head of the European Commission delegation Michael Humphreys
signed the agreement on the EU's 2005 financing of €49.5 million for
the country under the CARDS programme. The money is intended to help
Bosnia and Herzegovina meet its commitments on the road to European
Energy Community for South Eastern Europe
European Union ministers received a report in July on progress in
negotiating an integrated energy market with the countries of
South-Eastern Europe. Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs told the
Energy Council that the time was ripe to conclude an agreement. The
European Council in Thessaloniki in 2003 had given political
undertakings to the countries of south-eastern Europe, including
Turkey, on the development of an integrated market, and in May 2004,
the Council mandated the Commission to negotiate a treaty for an
Energy Community based on the EU’s 2003 directives for the
electricity and gas markets and cross-border trading with Bulgaria,
Romania, Turkey, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia,
Montenegro, Kosovo (UNMIK) Albania and the former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia. A draft treaty has been initialled by all parties
except Turkey in March, and a revised text in May. When Member
States will have agreed on final provisions, the treaty could be
signed as early as October this year.
Committee of the Regions reviews enlargement
The EU's Committee of the Regions concluded that the accession of
Bulgaria and Romania were "on the right path" at the end of their
plenary debate in July on EU enlargement. But it emphasised the need
for closer links between local authorities and the allocation and
management of EU funding – and for related investments in training
of local administrations and efforts to combat corruption. The
Committee also urged the creation of effective regional and local
government mechanisms in Turkey to promote economic and social
progress right across the country.
Extension of the period for almost free import of products from the
West Balkan countries to the EU market until 2010
Brussels, 12 September 2005 – European Commission proposed the
extension of the period established five years ago for almost free
import of products from the West Balkan countries to the EU market
until 2010, reports Beta Agency according to information from
This proposal ought to be adopted by the EU Council of Ministers,
its aim being the establishment of a preferential, non-reciprocity
trade regime for West Balkans which should revive the economies in
the region. The EC rationale states that the steady economic
development shall in turn promote the political stability in the
entire region.
If the EU Council of Ministers accepts the proposal of the European
Commission, as anticipated, Serbia-Montenegro and other West Balkan
countries might, in the following five years, continue to export
more than 95 per cent of their products to the EU market with no
tariff or quantitative limits, including the extremely important
agricultural products.
Exceptions from free customs and quantitative import to the EU
market relate to wine and certain fisheries products which are still
subject to preferential tariff quotas. Sugar is also on this
preferential import quota regime, except for the import of such
goods from Croatia, which is subject of discussions between EU and
Croatia. Specific import duty has been abolished for `baby beef`,
but the 20% ad valorem duty is still in force. The EU will keep
import quotas for textile products originating in the customs
territories of Montenegro and Kosovo.
The European Commission reported that the export from West Balkan
countries to the EU marked the annual growth of around eight per
cent since 2000.
The European Commission’s proposal will be commented by governments
of twenty-five EU member states. It ought to be adopted in autumn
and enter into force no later than 31 December this year.
The rationale of this proposal underlines that this is a part of the
Stabilization and Association Process and stresses that granting of
such concessions to the West Balkan states depends on fulfilment of
certain conditions, primarily on respecting of human rights and key
principles of democracy. Furthermore, these countries have to
demonstrate the readiness to develop mutual economic relations and
initiate the reforms and regional integration through trade.
Seminar on the EU issues
Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina organized for its
staff a Seminar on issues related to benefits and damages that the
accession to the EU may cause to the local economies. The Experience
of Slovenia was presented by the Slovenian experts.
In the next period the similar seminars will be organized for the
Chamber's members.
Sibiu, Romania – the European Capital of Culture in 2007
(Hermannstadt) was designated European Capital of Culture for the
year 2007 together with Luxembourg and the Grand Region of
Luxembourg with a decision of the Governments of the European Union
Member States on May 27, 2004
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Association of Balkan Chambers (ABC) respects and protects your
privacy, and does not sell or exchange email addresses or any
personal contact information provided during the registration
process, unless explicitly approved by the user. All email
distributions are managed by ABC. If you have any questions, please
contact Iuliana KLEBLEEV, |